Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Yippy!! A Blog!!

So for those of you who don't know I only work "part-time" at the bank. The bank industry (or at least BB&T) is very strict about the amount of hours a part-time employee can have since they give extremely well benefits to part-time and full-time employees. I usually can ONLY work 20 hours a week, no matter what. This has been a challenge these last few months with graduate tuition, higher gas prices (I drive a truck and its a killer, so I invested in a new car) and therefore now I have car payments every month. Anyway, I believe you feel me. I am under no assumption that I'm the only one being hit hard financially right now. But I've been blessed this week to be able to work in the Troy branch and the Ozark branch a few days earlier (and now tomorrow as well). This gives me more hours and I love it!

Sitting all alone downstairs in the drivethru in Troy this morning I've realized how much free time I actually do have if I would just rearrange some of my schedule. For example, I've been saying that I can't blog because I don't have any time. Well come to find out, Google is one of the allowed sites at work and work is usually very slow, so ta-da! I know have time to blog!! On a more important note, I've been struggling in my "oh so hectic life" to find time everyday to spend some quality quiet time with God. Staying up late to work on school work, therefore sleeping in late to catch up on sleep... I find an excuse for everything. No more excuses!! I'm rearranging my schedule, finding one that fits with the major of my days and sticking to it.

Not only am I going to free up some of my time, but I'm going to free up some of my money. I've been praying about budgeting. Being a part-time employee and having my hours fluctuate every week makes having a strict budget hard to follow. With this too... I make too many excuses. A budget is a budget and I believe that with some planning everyone can have a budget that fits their living arrangements. This includes me and being the nerd that I am, I'm excited about it!!

Hopefully more blogs to come in the near future!

1 comment:

  1. Good for you! #1 i'm proud you are blogging! #2 good luck with the new schedule! I hope it works well for you!!!
